ECA for India with WES (USA): My Personal Experience with Pune University

My Personal Experience of sending documents from University of Pune (UoP) to WES USA

NOTE 1: All my mark sheets were issued only by the UoP, so I have written this with that perspective. The procedure is a little different for students whose first-year mark sheet was issued by the college and the other years' mark sheets issued by the UoP.

Obtaining transcripts from the UoP: I had submitted my transcript application and paid the fees at the Student Facilitation Centre (SFC) on January 14, 2019. I received the completed transcripts by post on March 11, 2019. I opened the sealed envelopes to check if the transcripts were proper. I noticed that my transcripts had a lot of inconsistencies and mistakes, for e.g., incorrect seat numbers, symbols reflected with no explanation of those symbols, etc. After a lot of back and forth in person, email, and phone (which was again totally futile as they neither respond to emails nor phone calls) on March 25, 2019, I went to Pune (I lived in a different city during this time), sat with the officials (at the Transcript section office), and got the transcripts rectified. (This was my 3rd trip to the UoP to get my final corrected transcripts). In the end, I DID NOT SEND TRANSCRIPTS TO WES. 
NOTE 2: Please DO NOT apply for transcripts from the UoP as they have a track record of making mistakes because the people hand type your mark sheet contents onto an MS word document and then print it on the UoP letterhead. This hand typing causes a lot of errors (I speak with experience on this). Secondly, it takes them about 2 months to give the transcript. And if there are mistakes even after you receive them, it will take even longer to get them rectified.
Attesting documents from the UoP: I had submitted my attestation application along with xerox/photocopies of all my mark sheets and paid the fees at the Student Facilitation Centre (SFC) on January 14, 2019. I received the attested documents on January 17, 2019, in sealed, stamped, and signed envelopes from the SFC, which was posted to WES from the post office located inside the UoP campus, which would cost you around Rs. 1003/-. It took about 12 days to reach WES. WES evaluation was then completed successfully without any hassles. 
NOTE 3: Please see the image below from the WES website. WES accepts attested statement of marks (mark sheets) that are in sealed, stamped, and signed envelopes. These attested documents are given by UoP in 2–3 days. Please just go with attestation and do not waste your time and money on getting messed up incorrect transcripts.

WES Required documents for UoP in India

Why should I submit attested statement of marks (mark sheets) instead of transcripts from Pune University? (Applicable only to UoP)

  1. UoP takes 2 months to issue transcripts. Whereas mark sheet attestation takes 2-3 working days. 
  2. Cost of transcript may be more than the cost of attestation of mark sheets. As of 2019, for one copy of my (5-year) professional bachelor's degree mark sheets, UoP charged me Rs. 900/- for a transcript, and Rs. 485/- for mark sheet attestation. These costs vary according to whether your course is a professional/non-professional degree and/or the number of years of the degree. You can always create both applications online and check your costs and choose either one or both and pay accordingly.
  3. Transcripts may contain mistakes. As stated above, the university people at the UoP transcript section hand type your mark sheet contents onto an MS word document and then print it on the UoP letterhead. This hand typing causes a lot of errors. On the other hand, attested mark sheets are just attestations done on xerox/photocopies of mark sheets, so there is no possibility for mistakes unless there were mistakes on the original mark sheets itself when it was issued.
  4. For unknown reasons some students expressed that Pune University Transcript section is NOT printing any ATKT marks on the transcript, which may be considered as an incorrect, incomplete, and false representation of the student's academics. For more details about this, please read 'mistake 3' in my article on "3 mistakes to avoid when doing an ECA with WES."

Attributes: Experiment image by Public Domain Pictures from Pixabay
