How to rectify mistakes in my final WES ECA Report?

Does your WES ECA report have missing parts of your full name? 

Are there subject/course names incorrectly represented in your WES ECA report?

Image of an Error sign
: This article assumes that your original documents, i.e., mark sheets and degree certificates, are correct. If there are mistakes in your name in your original documents then this article does not apply to you. 

Whenever you receive your final ECA report from any agency, please review it properly. Check for spelling mistakes. Take your mark sheets and compare it with the ECA report to check for any inconsistency.

Mistakes that were there in my WES ECA report

My mark sheets and degree certificates that were issued by my Indian university had my name written correctly. However, the WES ECA report reflected missing parts of my name. As you know Indian names can be very long and confusing; and humans may make mistakes based on preset assumptions.

Nonetheless, WES is required to enter the student's name as it is reflected in the educational documents that were submitted by the university.

The WES ECA report incorrectly represented a few subject/course names. For e.g., I had "Economics" as a subject in my first year. My mark sheet also reflected the subject name correctly as "Economics." However, my WES ECA report incorrectly recorded it as "Economics I." 

WES is required to correctly report the subjects as it is reflected in the educational documents that were submitted by the university.

How to get these errors rectified?

In the "contact us" section of your WES account, explain these errors in plain and simple English. If what you have stated is true, they will usually verify these with the documents that were sent by the universities and make the changes accordingly.

If there were any changes/corrections made, then WES will resend the new changed/corrected ECA report to you and other receivers that you may have included in your WES account at no extra charge.

NOTE 2: Some Indian government universities do not print the subject/course names correctly. My own mark sheets have multiple spelling mistakes. If there are spelling errors in your original mark sheets for subject/course names, these are mostly correctly written in the WES ECA report. 

For example, in my original mark sheet, there is a subject, "History of Courts Lagislature Legal Profession." As you may have noticed, there are no punctuations, no conjunctions and there is a spelling mistake in the word "Legislature". However, in my WES ECA report, this was written properly as, "History of Courts, Legislature and Legal Profession" which is grammatically correct. This is one good thing about WES ECA reports. 

Attributes: Error image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
